Your personal well-being partner
We will help to increase the efficiency of the team, simplify the hiring and keep the low turnover of employees with the help of the corporate welfare system
400 billion $
Businesses lose every year
Stress and burnout - a new challenge for business
2.6 times more often
Burned out staff searches for a new job
Plague of XXI century
Stress and burnout are the plague of the XXI century, due to WHO
63% more often
Psychological issues are the reason for 63% sick leaves
It's time for a new solution if
There is tension in the team
Key metrics are not met due to burnout, loss of motivation and toxic atmosphere
The team is constantly tired, even the best employees become negative, and daily tasks take much longer time to complete
You notice low efficiency
HR team is flooded with job openings
You spend more time hiring and adapting, rather than developing and improving efficiency
What will change
79% of employees of large corporations are ready to give up salary increases for corporate benefits, 89% for the younger generation accordingly (18-34 years old)
Ease the hiring
Happier employees make up to 37% more sales, increasing productivity up to 21%.
Boost of efficiency
Happy employees are 3 times less likely to look for another job
Reduce employee turnover
We will tell you how the HR department can justify and implement a corporate well-being project
Let us manage the implementation of the corporate well-being system
Kale coach - solving the problems of your employees
Lack of motivation
Invest in employee welfare as it pays off
450% of the payback of the international corporation well-being system
How we work
The interactive course includes interaction with a personal coach, daily online support, as well as monitoring key indicators and their dynamics
For teams of 10 people or more
Interactive training + tracking
1-to-1 professional coaching sessions with your employees and supervisors. We will find potentials, manage resources, help you focus on what is important, and teach you to deal with stress.
Personal consultations with coach
We know how difficult it can be to explain the significance of a project, so we are ready to help at all stages
We track your KPIs, adapt the input study and progress tests, prepare report templates
Clarify indicators and target values
We find out the value of the indicators "before" and fix the target values in dynamics for each team or department, as well as form recommendations
Conduct an entrance study
We provide the final scoring, determine the planned values for the next time period
Evaluate the dynamics and prepare a report
Your KPI is our KPI
Your employees will be assisted by experienced health coaches from all over the world with confirmed certificates from top universities and associations
Only 1 out of 5 candidates passes our rigorous selection and gets the opportunity to work with us
We work with the best specialists
It's pleasant to work with us
A dedicated team of 5 specialists will help you quickly and efficiently implement a well-being project in your company.
For teams of 10 people or more
Dedicated team for implementation
With Kale you get clear and really useful information and reports in the convenient form of interactive dashboards
Automated reports
Choose the best option for your business: payment for each session or a subscription fee for a services package
Convenient payment options
Choose the best option for you: periodic sessions at the expense of the company, a fixed percentage of each session or full compensation
For teams of 10 people or more
Arbitrary compensation model
Leave a request and get two monts for free
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Become the best version of yourself
Become the best version of yourself
Clouddocs, Inc \ 2324 Matthews Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467, United States, mailbox 15