(as amended on 03/12/2021)

1. Concepts and definitions

1.1. "Application" - software "Kale.Coach/" designed to work on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, through which the User is provided with the capabilities defined by the terms of this User Agreement, and communication between the User and the Application Operator is carried out.
1.2. "User" - an individual interested in receiving the service that is the subject of this User Agreement and entered into a legal relationship with the Application Operator by installing and using the Application.
1.3. "Application Operator" - Clouddocs, Inc(324 Matthews Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467, United States, mailbox 15), registered in accordance with the legislation of the United States of America.
1.4. "Personal data" - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data) specified by the User when registering and filling out an account in the Application.

2. General provisions

2.1. This User Agreement defines the conditions for access and use of the Application by the Users, as well as determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of the User's personal data.
2.2. The User Agreement is a public offer - an offer for an indefinite circle of persons (Users) to conclude an agreement on the terms specified in this User Agreement.
2.3. Starting to use the Application, the User unconditionally agrees
with the conditions set forth in this User Agreement, including agreeing to the processing of personal data provided by the User.
2.4. The subject of this User Agreement (public offer agreement) is to provide the User with services for using the capabilities of the Application, such as registering and creating an account, creating a personal medical record (downloading data on doctors' visits, downloading the results of medical laboratory tests, downloading diagnostic data, downloading data on vaccinations, etc.), providing the User with access to his personal medical record to doctors and other persons at the discretion of the User, as well as other opportunities provided by the Application.
2.5. The terms of this User Agreement govern the interaction of the User and the Application Operator in the process of using the Application.

3. User registration and account

3.1. The Application is distributed by publishing the Application on the Google Play Store and App Store platforms.
3.2. In order to use the Application, the User must download and install the Application from the Google Play Store or the App Store, complete the registration procedure, as a result of which a unique User account will be created for the User.
3.3. When registering in the Application, the User specifies the password and his e-mail address. These data will further be used by the User for authorization in the Application.
3.4. When filling out an account, the User undertakes to provide accurate and complete information about himself on the issues proposed in the account filling form, and to keep this information up to date. The user is fully responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the data uploaded to the account. If the User provides incorrect information or the Application Operator has objective grounds to believe that the information provided by the User is unreliable, the Application Operator has the right, at its discretion, to block or delete the User's account and refuse the User to use the Application.
3.5. If the User registers and fills in an account in the interests of third parties, then the User guarantees that he is a person authorized to provide personal data of a third party, or has received consent to use the personal data of such a third party.
3.6. The information in the account must be presented by the User correctly, without the use of profanity, not to offend the honor and dignity of third parties, in general, comply with the provisions of the current legislation. Photos posted by the User in the account must comply with the provisions of the current legislation and not contain images that are not related to the purpose of their posting. If the information in the User's account violates the provisions of the current legislation and (or) the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, then the Application Operator has the right, at its discretion, to block or delete the User's account and refuse the User to use the Application.
3.7. When registering, the User will be asked to familiarize himself with the provisions of this User Agreement in the current version.
3.8. Registration in the Application indicates the unconditional acceptance by the User of the provisions of this User Agreement in the current edition as of the date of registration.
3.9. The User agrees to the processing by the Application Operator of the personal data contained in the account for the purpose of using all the capabilities of the Application.
3.10. The service for creating and filling out a User account is provided by the Application Operator without charging a fee.

4. Rights and obligations

4.1. User's rights and obligations:
4.1.1. The User has the right to use the Application for the purposes established by this User Agreement.
4.1.2. The User undertakes to ensure the accuracy of the information provided when using the Application.
4.1.3. The User undertakes not to use the Application for illegal and other purposes not related to the purposes of using the Application established by this User Agreement.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Application Operator:

4.2.1. The Operator of the Application has the right to check the accuracy of the data provided by the User when registering in the Application and filling out the account.
4.2.2. If it is established that the data provided by the User is unreliable, or such data violates the current legislation and (or) the rights of third parties, the Application Operator has the right to deny the User access to the account and use the Application.
4.2.3. The Application Operator undertakes to take measures for the proper functioning and restoration of the Application in case of malfunctions.
At the same time, the Operator of the Application is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of the Application caused by technical work on the side of the Operator of the Application or an unstable Internet connection of the User and improper operation of the User's mobile devices.
4.2.4. The Operator of the Application undertakes to ensure the proper processing of the User's personal data specified by him when using the Application, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of the USA.

5. Processing of the User's personal data

5.1. Acceptance (acceptance) of consent to the processing of personal data is registration in the Application and the start of using the Application.
5.2. Consent is given to the processing of personal data specified by the User when registering in the Application, as well as when filling out an account, including, but not limited to: last name, first name, patronymic; data of the identity document; Date of Birth; floor; E-mail address; diagnosis; blood type; insurance policy details; height; the weight; laboratory test results, biometric data.
5.3. The Application Operator collects and processes the following types of personal data:
5.3.1. Personal data posted by the User about himself independently when registering and creating an account.
5.3.2. Personal data provided by the User when interacting with the Application Operator in the manner of section 6 of this User Agreement.
5.3.3. Personal data contained in documents provided by the User at the request of the Application Operator for the purpose of verifying the data specified during registration in the Application and filling out the account.
5.4. Consent to the processing of personal data is given to the Application Operator specified in clause 1.3 of this User Agreement.
5.6. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without any time limit.
5.7. The User is directly responsible for the transfer of personal data received by the User from other users when using the Application to third parties.
5.8. The Operator of the Application is not responsible for the safety of personal data if the User transfers his personal data specified in the Application to third parties (doctors, parents, children, etc.) through the Application.
5.9. Consent to the processing of the User's personal data is given in order to identify the User, use the Application, and also to inform the User about the responses to the User's requests received by the Application Operator.
5.10. The Application Operator does not transfer the User's personal data to third parties without his consent, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the USA.
5.11. Consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked by the User by sending an application to the Application Operator in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the USA.

6. Procedure for interaction between the Application Operator and the User

6.1. The interaction between the Application Operator and the User takes place using the Application Operator's email and the User's email specified during registration.
6.2. The User agrees to send him to the e-mail specified during registration, information related to the operation of the Application, notifications about new functions of the Application.
6.3. The User has the right to send messages to the Application Operator for the purpose of obtaining information about the operation of the Application, informing about the incorrect operation of certain functions of the Application, etc.
6.4. The Application Operator undertakes to send an appropriate response to the application to the User within a reasonable time, provided that the application is directly related to the operation of the Application.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. In all other respects not provided for by the provisions of this User Agreement, the User and the Application Operator undertake to be guided by the provisions of the current legislation of the USA.
7.2. If the User of the Application is not a citizen of the USA, then in order to regulate the relationship between the User and the Operator of the Application, the legislation of the USA is applied.
7.3. The Operator of the Application has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this User Agreement, with the obligatory notification of the User by e-mail or directly in the Application.
7.4. In the event that the User, who received a message about the change in the terms of the User Agreement, continues to use the Application, the User is considered to unconditionally accept the terms of the User Agreement in the amended version.
7.5. The user who does not agree with the changes in the terms of the User Agreement specified in the message about the change in the terms of the User Agreement undertakes to immediately stop using the Application.
7.6. This User Agreement, in its current version, will be freely available on the website at: https//
Enjoy life with us
Enjoy life with us

2324 Matthews Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467, United States, mailbox 15