Well-being service
with reliable experts from all over the world
We analyze your daily habits and select a personal coach for you - all in the comfort of your home
И не только
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Beat tiredness
Increase productivity
Make the time to self-care
Coaches from all over the world who speak English, French and Russian
A personal manager to track your progress
Daily online support from your coach
Coaches from all over the world who speak English, French and Russian
A personal manager to track your progress
Daily online support from your coach
5o% of our health is mainly reflected by our lifestyle and the means of healthcare can fix only 10%. Health coach works on both of these factors, helping you to change your lifestyle and get the new healthy habits.

Kale Coach connects you with certified professionals with approved experience and education from all over the world, easily.
Life style
What makes us healthy?
The model was developed by WHO
Health коуч - специалист, который помогает привести свою жизнь в порядок, воздействуя на питание, привычки, образ жизни и мышление
50% нашего здоровья зависит от образа жизни и только 10% от медицинских факторов

Health коуч воздействует на оба этих фактора - медицину и образ жизни в отличии от классических врачей или диетологов.
Health коуч - специалист, который помогает привести свою жизнь в порядок, воздействуя на питание, привычки, образ жизни и мышление
15 minutes is the time that you can spend on feeds in social networks, half of the series or your first step to personal transformation.
What's your choice?
How service works
Try our simple and comfortable way of primary diagnostics. Set your goals and plans to start your journey.
We will offer you at least three specialists who have relevant experience in your case.
Coach selection
We form a schedule of meetings, a personal program with goals for every month and provide the helpful guides
Working with a coach
We unleash your potential, revise your strengths and help to focus on your goals
Enjoy healthy sleep, quality rest and me-time for hobbies
Learn how to eat healthy easily without any diets
Increase productivity
Restore work-life balance
Eat helathy
Acquire new habits and activities that easily build your healthy daily routine
Do sports safely and comfortably
Analyze your lifestyle and get rid of unnecessary habits
Get fit
Reach the new heights
Get rid of habits
We help with

Our clients
New York, jewelry appraiser
Coach from Kale helped me to realize that health is more than just nutrition, sleep and vitamins, but a mindset as well. It's great to feel that you don't eat junk food just because you don't want it. In fact, everything was simple. I texted the coach about the situation when I craved the burger or a donut, and we started analyzing it. We changed my nutrition plan and set the daily workouts without stress and enforcement. I've seen the result on the second month, losing 4 kilos. My skin has improved too, but it's just the start.
Elena Solomatina
Lead Data Engineer
With the beginning of the lockdown, I started being unhappy with the way I look. I stopped working out and tracking my diet and I felt helpless. After I hit another weight record, I consulted Natalia Parilina.
First, I wanted to reduce my weight to 60 kgs. In the next few months, I got useful and scientifically proven information that helped me in reaching the results. Thanks to Natalia, we found the reason of the weight gain and built an activity routine. The work was smooth and medium-paced, that helped mу focus on my health and well-being for long-term results. I've reduced my weight from 67 kg to 63 in few months. Also, got my 6 packs back, that's been so important for me as I do extreme sports. I'm energized even by the end of the day. Hooray!
My biggest achievement is maintaining my results for more than a year, just following the rules and habits I got thanks to work with Natalia.

New York, care manager in home care office.
I wanted to get the healthy habits for my nutrition and physical activities. I had been working on that for a year. Before meeting my coach, it took me 2 months to include the vegetables and fruits regularly in my diet, as well as daily workouts. The rest 10 months I let it all go.
We worked 5 months with Natalia from Kale. 1.5 years after our work this year looks balanced, with 6 months of healthy eating and 30 min daily sports (6 days out of 7). I'm sure this progress is going to get better.
Moscow. Insurance expert
I reached Kale because my weight loss journey drove me crazy. My ideal body obsession (by the age of 16) made me anxious and unconfident. We revised my diet and physical activities and I realized that I have too many misconceptions about a healthy lifestyle and the food I eat. I was too crazy about the exhausting diets and workouts. We managed to solve these issues and I finally gave up the idea of painful and difficult life.
I don't have to suffer to have a beautiful body anymore. After 2 months of our consultations, I don't pick out the potatoes from my soup and I don't fast using the celery anymore.My nutrition now is diverse and balanced, without the fasting and mental breakdowns.
One more thing, I finally confessed that I hate to go to the gym and weightlifting! Now I know that sports can be easy and safe.

USA, financial specialist
Being a mother of two small children, I had less time for myself. I gained weight and couldn't follow the diets. I decided to consult the specialist and found Kale.
I learned how to pay attention to my body, understand if I'm hungry, balance the time with my kids, housework and my own interests. I started working out daily for 30 minutes, that was easy and made me keep fit. Thanks to Natalia, I could forget about diets and stopped being afraid of certain food.
My life has improved, so has my self-confidence. My husband also followed the recommendations of my coach and he supports me much more now. I am more stable now physically and mentally, feeling more productive during the day. My life has improved, so has my self-confidence. My husband also followed the recommendations of my coach and he supports me much more now. I am more stable now physically and mentally, feeling more productive during the day.
Kale changed my mindset on the health, that made a huge difference after. Highly recommend!
Olga Borodina.
Rostov-on-Don, teacher
Working with Natalia from Kale, I set my goals and further steps to reach them.
After controlling my nutrition habits and maintaining the new changes with the help of Natalia's habit tracker I've lost 3 kgs. I still keep the same weight without sports and any diets. Now I care about my health for the sake of self-love. I learned how important it is because then you can understand the reason for the whole challenge.
I got to know that the increasing of the energy use gives the dream weight. So I learned how to eat anything without feeling guilty but track my activity schedule. Natalia helped me to listen to my feelings if I am really hungry or I'm trying to eat my anxiety away.
I use the plate rule in my daily routine now. I try to follow it with my weekly menu. I've never thought about it before! It's so handy!
There was no place for any force or feeling of guilt. My coach helped me to find my personal motivation to strive for my progress. I like that we work on the lifestyle in a complex approach, putting nutrition, sports and relaxation in balance.
I didn't reach my final destination, but thanks to the supervision of my coach, I can follow this path on my own.
London, HR - specialist
I made a request to work with excess weight. Further on we figured out I need to focus on self-care and reducing the anxiety on diet and nutrition.
I tried to work from home, care about my kids, support my husband, run the house and made myself the lowest priority. Moving to a new place and finding a new job made everything worse.
During our work I felt much better. My anxiety about the food and eating schedule has disappeared. I was so afraid to get extra calories that the only products I consumed was salad, chicken and coffee. I was addicted to protein drinks because I thought I'd get my weight back if I stop. It was an expensive habit that gave me constant insecurity. I found out so much about products and exercises, including the fact that even walking can be a great workout instead of gym. I got fit, started to walk and move more, drink water regularly and focus on self-care.
You will be assisted by certified health coaches from all over the world
Only 1 out of 5 candidates passes strict selection and receives the access to our platform
We're proud of our coaches
This is only a small part of our international team

University of Rhode Island: Master's in Nutrition
Sodexo Dietetic Internships: Dietetic Intern in Dietetics
Rutgers-New Brunswick Campus: Bachelor's in Nutritional Sciences
eating behavior
Helps to correct eating behavior, reducing eating anxiety
stress management
eating habits
weight management
Over 3 years, she has helped more than 200 clients to get in shape and maintain their nutrition
activities' development
Correcting daily activities and lifestyle for more than 10 years
Health management
Corrects nutrition, taking into account the peculiarities of the environment, changing the lifestyle and habits
nutrition system
work-life balance
Works on lifestyle and mindset, without strict diets and difficult workouts
1 constultation
60 minutes
1 month
4 consultation 60 minutes
Kale makes health management easy
Don't worry about the qualifications of a specialist, we have checked everything and we're ready to tell you more
We offer reliable professionals
Book and reschedule consultations when it is convenient, we will remind you about it
Save your time
We'll refund you or offer another specialist if you don't like the work of the coach
We control the quality and protect your interests
No third-party payment services or cash. Money are debited automatically, and the coach receives them only after your approval
Making payment simple and secure
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The creators of the project
Owner of several medical businesses, marathon runner and a well-being fan. Started a project to cope with stress at work and climb Mount Everest.
Rim Safiullin
Health-coach, certified healthy lifestyle coach. For more than 5 years, she has been helping clients around the world manage their health and reach the goals.
Chief Health Coach
Natalia Parilina
Corporate marketer, went through a deterioration in health, apathy and rethinking of lifestyle.
Adel Kadyrov
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Become the best version of yourself
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